“Son of God….March forward!”
We exist to establish responsible and self-sustaining churches filled with
committed, Spirit-filled Christians of character, who will impact their communities
To become a global Pentecostal church that is culturally relevant in
vibrant evangelism, church planting, discipleship and holistic ministry.
The Evangelism Ministry is the evangelistic wing of the Church, whose main
objective is soul winning through effective evangelism. Strategies of Effective
Evangelism are therefore the main lessons taught at witness classes.
Besides, the Principles, Constitutions and Tenets of the Church, as well as in-depth
study of the Bible and exploration of other Biblical mysteries are all discussed at
their meetings to produce well-informed members of the church who would not be
swayed by any false external teaching outside of the Biblical principles. Visitation,
follow-up, counselling and nurturing of new converts and backsliders are other spots
where the Witness Movement operates. Other lessons on how to perform the
various activities in the church, such as chorus leading, conducting services, worship
leading, etc., are also treated to produce dynamic members in the local assemblies.
They pray for the growth of the church and intercede for the afflicted, sick, lost, etc.
They also train the youth and the singles to live pure lives and to effectively serve
the Lord while single.
On the other hand, the mission organizes interesting programs such as marriage
seminars, debates, quizzes, drama, symposia, etc. This Mission is open to all groups
of people, regardless of age, gender, position, etc.
Known also as the ‘backbone’ of the church, members met to pray and study the
word of God. This was followed by the emergence of an evangelistic group called
“The Bombing Group”, the name of which was derived from the World War II, when
the allied forces bombed their enemies’ territories.
It was this same evangelistic fervour which moved men like the late Apostle J. Egyir
Paintsil, Evangelist L. A. Nyarko, Elders Johnny Mallet, Amissah Andoh, and many
others from the bombing group; thus bombing the kingdom of the devil to set men
and women free from the bondage of sin into the Kingdom of God. This group,
having emerged at the beginning of the church, gave themselves to prayer, fasting,
bible study, and all-night service to be well equipped for his ministry. Through the
directions of the Holy Spirit, the group went out to preach and establish churches in
different places. This really promoted the establishment of the kingdom of God in the
once occupied territories of Satan.
Around 1950, the name Witness Movement was adopted for the group and was
unanimously accepted by all. The age limit was therefore removed after the
introduction of the broad-spectrum name and the door was opened to all members
of the church (men and women both old and young) to the work of witnessing. Since
the group was constantly waging war against Satan, their battle cry was “Victory,
through the blood of Jesus”. In time, other slogans like “Sons of God, March
forward”, ”Arise and Shine”, etc. followed.
The vision and mission of the Evangelism Ministry include;
It is the oxygen pipe of the church which spearheads all outreach programs
To get the word of God to the un-reached
To offer training to the local assembles
To nurture new converts with the fundamental doctrines
In collaboration with other Ministries they organize joint revival, retreats and
evangelical programs
They are rightly involved in church planting programs
P /Ovr Dr. Bernard Boateng
MOBILE: +353 83 351 5855
Copyright The Church Of Pentecost Ireland 2021